Davinci Gourmet Recipes
    Strawberry Crunch Yogurt
    Drink Description:
    Whether you're enjoying a healthy breakfast or an after-dinner treat, strawberries and yoghurt granola always makes a divine combination. Enhanced with the sweetness of strawberries, the crunch of granola is a delightful contrast to the cool creaminess of yogurt.

    DaVinci Gourmet Ingredients:

    Other Ingredients:

    Milk 50ml
    Ice 100g
    Granola 1 scoop
    Yogurt 2 scoops
    Diced Strawberry Garnish


    • Add DaVinci Gourmet ingredients, milk, ice and 1 scoop of yoghurt into a blender cup
    • Blend for 15 seconds until smooth
    • Add granola and 1 scoop of yoghurt into glass
    • Pour blended mix into the glass
    • Garnish and serve

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